What can you do in 2 minutes that might take someone else 2 hours?

Here’s a thought: do itย for them.
Sure, maybe it’s your job and you normally get paid to do it. Maybe it’s a specialty and maybe it’s this and maybe it’s that. But think about it for a moment.
Maybe you don’t want to do it. Maybe you actually hate doing it. Maybe you said you wouldn’t do that anymore.
But you know how much pain and struggle the other person is going to go through if you let them do it on their own.
I know what my example is, but I don’t know what yours is. But you do.
What if you just did it for them? Without even being asked? Just out of the blue. Just something nice, something unexpected.
It’s just 2 minutes.
Act of random kindness. I think that is such a wonderful concept.