There You Have It: 21 Days to Rekindle a (Writing) Habit

21 days ago, on July 17, 2024, I challenged myself to another 30-day “Write Every Single Day” writing challenge.
Today is Day 21 and I can honestly and proudly say: I’m feeling it.
The habit has kicked back in, the daily pull (it’s not a push–that’s different)
I stopped writing on the day my mom passed away, (see Goddamn Attitude) after having written for 2,808 days in a row (see Lucky to Write Every Day for the last run up to 2,808 days).
Today, Tuesday, August 6, 2024, as I sit at our kitchen table at our AirBnB with my sister in Prague in the Czech Republic, I’m feeling, for the first time in years, the pull to write again.
Wow, it kinda hurts to say that.
There were days over the past four years where I thought I might never write again. Sure, maybe now and again, but not like I did, not big long streaks of days in a row, not more books, but to go into speaking (which I will ALSO do), or to get that job-thing–I might still do that, but part time and for different reasons.
Yep, I’m here again. After four years and my first writing challenge and I’m 21 days into it and feeling it.
That’s about how I can sum it up and it feels right: I’m feeling it.
I’m not really sure any other description would work for me. It’s not a question of pressure or seasons or much else from a logical, rational, linear, or even Chronos perspective, it’s that bit of Kairos that I’ve been missing, mostly over this past year, that I want back.
The difference this time is I know how to get it. I know how to reach my Kairos. I even have some ideas about how you can find more Kairos (joy) in your regular (Chronos) life.
I’m sure I’ll be writing more about Kairos in the coming weeks and months and I can … feel it.
So, I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.
Until tomorrow, keep creating.