2,400 Posts in 2,400 Days
Create Every Day
I think after 2,400 days I can slightly alter my habit. Although I’m a writer and storyteller at heart, I get the most joy from creating.
From turning nothing into something. The blank screen, the empty audio space, the void.
I’ve been:
- Podcasting (audio)
- Speaking (audio + video)
- Teaching (audio + video + writing)
In case I need to restate the point: by creating Every Single Day, you don’t have to worry about the check-ins. They will arrive and you will be ready.
I’m not sure if I can convey how powerful that is. Let me rephrase:
When the deadline comes, you are prepared. You’re done, you’re finished, you’re ready.
You don’t have to cram at the last minute, you don’t have to rush, to stress, to, basically, freak out.
Because you’ve been Creating Every Single Day.
I’m creating podcasts, speaking performances, and courses.
The question I most get is:
How do you get the energy to keep going?
The answer is just seeing it from the other way around.
I keep going to get the energy.
It doesn’t cost me energy to create. I get energy from creating.
There are days when I can’t even hold it in. I was in the car and going to be driving for the next hour and couldn’t wait. The excitement? How to help others, how to build a team by creating the team. (You can listen to it here: re53: You need a team? We are the team.) Or here:
Where are you most at home?
I’ve been on stage quite a bit lately. I can’t think of another way to say it, but I Love It. I can’t get enough of it.
If my books can’t reach you, let me toss in some French accents, a caveman, and how to use your “three internal judges” to help make decisions. Oops, did I just weave in one of my books into a public speaking event?
What are you creating Every Single Day?
Give credit where credit is due.
Not to mention a bit of awe, sadness, joy, and inspiration.
A few weeks ago, my dear friend Tony passed away. He had just turned 105.
He created and that’s what gave him joy and that, in my humble opinion, is what kept him going for one hundred and five years.
Here’s a snippet from my “Spark Campfire” course about Tony, inspiration, and how to live to 105-years old.
Dear Reader,
It’s been 2,400 days since I started writing every single day. That day I was another person. I’m not who I am today. I don’t know quite how to explain that.
But it only happened with consistency. That’s it. That’s my big secret.
If you have not yet started down a path of consistent creativity, I welcome you today to