30-Day YouTube Create-A-Video-Daily Challenge

It’s been exactly 10 years since I wrote every day for 30 days.
It’s time for a celebratory new path: video.
Here goes.
- Create for … Me #shorts
- Camfidence | Camera + Confidence = Camfidence #shorts
Day 1
- 30-Day YouTube Creator Challenge Starts Right Now #shorts
- Clarity, Courage, Confidence. #shorts
- 30-Day Create Challenge: Day 1! (A Video Per Day on YouTube) Join Us Today!
Day 2
- Day 2 | YouTube Challenge | 4 Words #shorts
- Day 2 Goal: Finish Day 2 #shorts
- Day 2 | This is the Hardest Day | Fireworks are Smoldering, Audience is Gone, It’s You and Day Two
Day 3
- Frequency Sneak Peek Chapter: Find the Freedom in the Fluidity of Your Frequency
- Day 3 | Thursday Thunder | Where the Power Lands #shorts
- re259: 30-Day YouTube Challenge “A Video a Day Keeps the Writer’s Block Away”
Day 4
- Sneak Peek Book Frequency: Immersion “How Often To Go How Deep into Your Rituals?”
- Day 4 YouTube Challenge | Speech Rehearsals Today #shorts #30daychallenge
- FREDx Rehearsal 1
- FREDx Rehearsal 2
Day 5
- Those very first thoughts you have in the morning? That’s where the magic is. Record them. #create
- Day 5: One Single Word of Daily Inspiration: Pepper #shorts #30daychallenge #create #dogshorts
- Mind, Heart & Gut: Introducing “Martijn, Harry & Geau” (Utrecht Toastmasters Speech Prep Take 1)
Day 6
- The Secret to a Joyful, Happy & Meaningful Life Is … #shorts #create #joy #happy #thesecret #give
Day 7
- Walking the Talk and I’m “Informing Before Initiating” #shorts #humandesign @Nicoline Huizinga
- Meet my “roommates” Martijn, Harry, and Geau — The Mind, The Heart, and The Gut #30daychallenge
Day 8
- Day 8: Do You Know Your Frequency? #shorts #create #30daychallenge #rhythm #frequency #flow
- It’s Geau Time! Decision Time: Mind, Heart, & Gut. #30daychallenge #create #geau #decision #guts
Day 9
- What (or who) is your daily trigger to action? #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Create #Poop #Dog #Trigger
- Which Days to Create? Oh Yeah: Every Single Day #Shorts #create #EverySingleDay #30DayChallenge #now
- Geau Geau Geau! It’s Time to Decide #toastmasters #decide #repossible #30daychallenge
Day 10
- Where and How the Real Work Gets Done | Behind the Scenes at Thursday Thunder (TTS3E45)
- Just Put On The Shoes, get out the door, see what happens. #Shorts #30daychallenge #TheUnknown
- Just Put On The Shoes: The Domino Effect: Action! #Shorts #JustDoIt #30daychallenge #Inspiration
- Geau Take 6
- Geau Take 7
- Geau Take 8
Day 11
- They’re Always With Us #Shorts. #Spirit #Universe #GotYourBack #Together #BetterTogether
- Geau Take 9
Day 12
- It’s Geau Time. Out of bed, bike, train, bus and GO! Early Saturday Toastmasters #shorts #nofear #go
- Toastmasters Table Topics in Dutch–Topic: “Oude Baas” #toastmasters #tabletopics #nederlands
- Toastmasters Humorous Speech — “Mind, Heart, & Gut — Martijn, Harry, & Geau” #toastmasters #humor
- Post-Speech Silence. Do you “force” some quiet into daily routine? #shorts #silence #quiet #power
Day 13
- Follow in the Footsteps of Your Mentors #shorts #sundaynightlive #improv #awesome #student #awe
Day 14
- Play the Game. It’s Not How But Whether. #shorts #play #infinitegame #repossible #everysingleday
Day 15
- Fun Money #shorts #Frequency #Money #Abundance #fun
- Fun Money Explained. It looks the same as regular money but it’s not #Shorts. #Money #Fun #Frequency
Day 16
- What is your daily dose of joy? For me, it’s The Far Side Calendar #shorts #dogslife #everysingleday
- Frequency: what do you do and how often? And why? #Shorts #EverySingleDay #Daily #Frequency
Day 17
- Rain or shine, sleet, or snow, gotta create. #Shorts. #Create #30DayChallenge #RainyDay.
- If Pepper Has to Poop, I Have to Create #everysingleday #30daychallenge #create (TTS3E46)
- Sarah Selecky is So Lucky! Fiction writing, characters, and scene setting with an awesome rockstar!
Day 18
- I’m Feeling “Normal” and … It’s Just Not Good Enough | Fast Friday #fasting #intermittentfasting
- Halfway update, 30 day challenge #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Create #inittowinit
Day 19
- 3-Day “Create Your Clarity” Challenge at 3.repossible.com #shorts #30DayChallenge #Create #decide
- Just listen to her laugh. It will make your day. #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Laugh #Laughter #joy
- This Is Why I Create #Shorts #30DayChallenge #create #Joy #Energy #KitchenSink
Day 20
- No Handed Selfie! #Shorts #Teamwork #BetterTogether #30DayChallenge #Create
- 70% of success is showing up #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Create #ShowingUp #ShowUp
Day 21
- Some Call It Work, I Call It Play #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Work #Play #PlayAtWork
- Improv Comedy Workshop (Live, In-Person, in Dutch, in The Netherlands)
Day 22
- You Don’t Have To … But If You Really, Really, Want To, It’s Going To Make It All Easier #shorts
- You Don’t Have to Teach an Improv Comedy Workshop #30daychallenge #improv #ydht
Day 23
- We Are All Creators #Create #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Creators #Artist #heart
Day 24
- Thunder in Your Heart Every Single Thursday #Shorts #Weekly #30DayChallenge #Thursday #Create
- “There’s no way you have writer’s block, you have creativity block.” with Neil Mach
- From “Frequency:” The Radio Dial and The Calendar (TTS3E47)
Day 25
- 15 Seconds to Enjoy #Shorts #30DayChallenge #Enjoy #DogsLife #HappyFriday
- Alone With Everyone | Fast Friday #intermittentfasting #fasting #friday #fastfriday #bettertogether
- Deer (Not His Real Name) #pastliferegression
Day 26
- xxxx
Day 27
- xxx
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- xxx
- xxx