Why is accounting Greek?

I just can’t get it.
I was a math major in college. I loved math throughout my life. I actually still like it. I like numbers, I like the hard science of it.
But I just can’t get accounting.
It’s just foreign to me. I’m a relatively smart guy. I went to lots of schools. Speak lots of languages. But I can’t get it. It’s like I’m Teflon: it just doesn’t stick.
Then the more I do it and the more I don’t get it and the more frustrated I get, the less I like it and then soon … I hate it. I just searched Craigslist for some help. We’ll see what that comes up with.

This is accounting: about as clear as moss.
I think it might actually be Arabic. Not 100% sure though. π
It’s just not a romance language, that’s for sure!