Amazon Best Sellers in Motivational Self-Help — I’m at #100

I broke into the Top 100 Books on Amazon in the Motivational Self-Help category.
Sure, with lots (and lots) of promotion and free giveaways, it’s not that hart to get to the #1 spot in a given Amazon category … for a day or so. But now, a few months down the line, I’m just in the Top 100 books on the category I most want to be in with only word of mouth, 21 reviews, and some Amazon ads.
Let’s see who’s keeping me company inside the Top 100 Club on Amazon.
Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield
Let’s keep it straight and simple. “You don’t need to take a course or buy a product. All you have to do is change your mind.”
–Steven Pressfield
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Psycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz
It’s always good to see books that your mentors mention. Dr. Wayne Dyer mentioned in his book “I Can See Clearly Now” that this book was an important stepping stone in his personal growth.
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15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management: The Productivity Habits of 7 Billionaires, 13 Olympic Athletes, 29 Straight-A Students, and 239 Entrepreneurs, by Kevin Kruse.
What if a few new habits could dramatically increase your productivity, and even 5x or 10x it in key areas? What if you could get an an hour a day to read, exercise, or to spend with your family.
[dropshadowbox effect=”lifted-both” rounded_corners=”false”][asa tpl=”flat_box_horizontal”]B016FPTIZ6[/asa][/dropshadowbox]
We’re up for a remake of a classic How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age, by Dale Carnegie
An adaptation of Dale Carnegie’s timeless prescriptions for the digital age.
Dale Carnegie’s time-tested advice has carried millions upon millions of readers for more than seventy-five years up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. Now the first and best book of its kind has been rebooted to tame the complexities of modern times and will teach you how to communicate with diplomacy and tact, capitalize on a solid network, make people like you, project your message widely and clearly, be a more effective leader, increase your ability to get things done, and optimize the power of digital tools.
[dropshadowbox effect=”lifted-both” rounded_corners=”false”][asa tpl=”flat_box_horizontal”]B004U7G81O[/asa][/dropshadowbox]
Summary: The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
So I have to admit, I don’t completely understand how these books work. You can write a summary of another book and that’s a book? I guess so! Here it is at #97.
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The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence: A Woman’s Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less, and Loving More, by Jessica Ortner (Author), Christiane Northrup M.D. (Foreword)
I haven’t read this one, but it sounds worth a read!
From Amazon, “Placing conditions on our lives and our happiness has become the norm. We see it all the time: We mustestablish a career before looking for a relationship. We must find love before feeling fulfilled. We mustfeel stressed out until we finish everything on our to-do list. But by far, the most common conditions we put on ourselves revolve around our weight—no love until we lose the weight, no pursuing a dream until we lose the weight, no happiness until we lose the weight. But now there’s a better option.”
[dropshadowbox effect=”lifted-both” rounded_corners=”false”][asa tpl=”flat_box_horizontal”]B00IOX074E[/asa][/dropshadowbox]
Old School Grit: Times May Change, But the Rules for Success Never Do, by Darrin Donnelly
I like that the word “Grit” is in the title as I’m a fan of Angela Duckworth’s book of the same title: Grit. If someone is going to write about grit, I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they have some experience with it.
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Every Single Day: Daily Habits to Create Unstoppable Success, Achieve Goals Faster, and Unleash Your Extraordinary Potential, by Bradley Charbonneau
I just got this review from a doctor and someone who works in the field of psychology, depression, and they use “mind over matter” methods to help their patients.
“It was a bit of an easy read for me as the overarching topic is behaivoral change – I do like the way you put it and I’m pretty sure it’s by far more helpful for many people than the science-based, dry-as-hell 400+pager you find in the book stores these days.
Lived experience can be fantastic driver for helping others on the path of doing things they always wanted to do but never got started for whatever reason. But it can also be a “dead end” because you are always at risk that the lived experience is so individual that the reader can’t really follow the motivation and argumentation of the author. You manage this fine line incredibly well.”
[dropshadowbox effect=”lifted-both” rounded_corners=”false”][asa tpl=”flat_box_horizontal”]B0742MQY3N[/asa][/dropshadowbox]
I’m thrilled and honored to share company with such rockstars of authors in the Top 100!
I hope you also enjoy these books and help motivate you to the next level in your life.
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