Usually high flying writer feels too grounded, walks on beach, solves everything.

Something has been missing from my life the past few weeks.
Oops, found it.
I’m “too grounded” lately. Too rational, methodical, even too much of a “nonfiction” writer as opposed to a “fiction” writer.
But I didn’t realize that this was what I was missing. Solution?
Walk the beach with no one else and bask in the silence.
Just when you’re not expecting it … boom there it is.
I just don’t have the fiction in my life. The stories, the characters, the “what’s going to happen next?” that I revel in even though I’m the author. But then again, I’m really just the messenger.
Maybe I need my messenger job back. Maybe there are messages that need to be delivered. If I’m not writing, I’m not supplying them, I’m not bringing them from A to B and maybe they’re all dammed up and are waiting for me to move them.
Tomorrow morning. Early.
Good night.