If I Could Only Choose One (Branches or Roots), I Would Choose Branches

Spoiler Alert: you don’t have to choose. You can have both.
But if you’d want more of one, which would it be?
Oh, and what in the world am I talking about with my vague references to Branches and Roots?
I’ve been traveling for about 10 days now and my mind (well, my heart, really) is swooning.
This is my default status, this is where I’m alive, where I live, where I don’t just survive, but I thrive.
I’m on the ICE (the fast train) in Germany now heading home from Darmstadt today and memories from days gone by of train travel are flooding back to me. I’m at my most powerful when I’m traveling. This is my home.
I know, I know, cliché coming but I’m going to take it even a step further: I don’t really ever want to reach the destination, I just want to stay on the journey. My life is the journey. Do I even have a destination? Do I care?
The branches represent spirituality (or the heart or Kairos) where the roots are more the stability, the every day, the Chronos or normal life. Yep, also important, but I’m an angel, a flyer, a dreamer, an artist.
Hey artist, the train is arriving in Köln in 6 minutes. Gotta go.
Keep creating.