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Go Within: 17 Powerful Techniques for Spiritual Self-Discovery

Go Within: 17 Powerful Techniques for Spiritual Self-Discovery

We want to go within, to connect to our higher self. Great. Uh, yeah, how?

When I was younger, I believed all of the answers came from outside of me. I searched and asked and waited and listened. I didn’t even understand the idea of “go within.”

Yep, there are loads of answers from others–from outside, from without.

Then–and only then–can the answers come from going within.

Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.

Wayne Dyer

I know, I know, here comes the question:

“Yeah, so this is great, Bradley, but how do I go within to find those answers?”

Then there’s that answer no one likes: silence. Meditation. Stillness. etc.

Ready for my answer?


I just did a search on my own site for radio dial and came up with this: Lacking creativity? Tune into your radio frequency.

I just re-read that post and I’m pretty sure I don’t really explain how to find this radio dial or how to go within or, what we’re really getting at here, how to connect with our higher self.

Was that gameshow Jeopardy the one where you had the answer first and then you had to ask the question?

If it was, then my answer is Frequency.

You’d think I should write a book on the topic. Oh wait, I already did: Frequency.

The thing is, I published that book on December 17, 2022. The idea was strong then but it’s gotten even stronger since then.

So if I’m so much more worldly and enlightened now, how do we do it? How do we connect with our higher selves?

We need to tune into the frequency of our higher selves. The thing is, it’s probably different for most of us as far as how we do that. I could use the blanket word, meditation, and if that works for you, then great. But if that doesn’t do it, then let’s try a few more:

  1. Flow
  2. Peace
  3. Butterflies
  4. Chills
  5. Time flies
  6. Time stands still
  7. Knowing
  8. Joy
  9. Feel
  10. Vibe
  11. Peace
  12. Shower
  13. Highway
  14. Running
  15. Music
  16. Creating
  17. Travel

Those last ones I thought of when I tried to think of how I–and others–have experienced a flow state or a heightened state of awareness.

Thus, do you see anything in that list that works for you? When are you at your sharpest? Or your funniest? Or your most at home, at ease?

Surprisingly, for many, me included, it’s while I’m doing something else. Even meditation is “doing something else” in a way. I’m listening to some guided voice describe, I don’t know, it’s often a marble staircase in a meadow. πŸ˜‰ But really, I’m trying to envision these steps and the meadow and this higher self creeps in, ooh, creeps isn’t a good word, sneaks in, slips in, slides in to my world.

This is how you do it.

Presently, I’m figuring this out as I type it: because I want to know, too. How do we get to that higher place? We have all been there (no, really, we all have) and in my humble opinion, one of the goals in our lives is to be able to reach that higher place on a more regular basis.

Surprisingly, there you have it. Whether it’s driving in traffic, listening to a guided meditation, or any other way where you get out of your own head and let in that other voice, that higher self, come in and say hi, that’s where the answers are.

Therefore, how do you get within?

It’s all up to you–and you know how.

Thanks for reading today.

Go Within: 17 Powerful Techniques for Spiritual Self-Discovery
Go Within: 17 Powerful Techniques for Spiritual Self-Discovery


  1. Here We Go (Again) - Pass the Sour Cream - […] Go Within: 17 Powerful Techniques for Spiritual Self-Discovery Aug 14 […]

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