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My day was really busy so I must have gotten a lot done.

My day was really busy so I must have gotten a lot done.

The day went somewhere. Oh wait, here it is! I found the end of it!

A random puzzle piece in the middle of the sidewalk. Where does it belong? Does someone miss it? [San Francisco]

A random puzzle piece in the middle of the sidewalk. Where does it belong? Does someone miss it? [San Francisco]

If days all meld together, does it turn into something? Or is like Play Doh and going to turn into a gigantic, unrecognizable blob of brown?

How do you stop and recognize the moment? What if there just aren’t so many moments to recognize? I’m selling myself short here as I think I’m just tired, but there were certainly a few things of interest today. This would be a good exercise, “Name 3 things that made today worth remembering.”

  1. Mastermind with a colleague: hot chai, shared an English Muffin and $1 tiny bowl of jam (“It’s SO worth it,” says the guy behind the counter … it was), big change for both of us and celebrations all around. She’s going to guest post on Repossible. Cool.
  2. Workshop modules: this is a perfect example of how you only get so much out of passive learning. Yes, I listened to the workshop modules, but since I was walking, I didn’t write out the exercises.ย Will start tomorrow. But worth mention was a note about not waiting around for your tribe (audience, followers) to find you, but to go to where they are. Sounds simple and logical, but do we do it (enough)? Probably not. Also, it takes effort, guts, bravery, etc.
  3. Progress with kid charts: we’re trying to have the kids do more around the house and we have the ever-popular chart of who’s doing what. They say this is always the downfall: the parents forget and don’t keep up as well as the kids. Kids are into charts and tables and stars and collecting bonus points. Parents forget. But, it’s working. Setting the table, clearing the table. They saw it on the chart and did it. So much of the world isn’t rocket science …

This goes down as yet another reason to Write Every Day.

If I hadn’t written this down, I would have forgotten even more of it. I spent most of the time day on client work, administration, billing, invoicing and catching up on very late emails. Not loads of fun, but necessary. Or is it? Ask me in a year.


  1. Writing Every Day Beyond 1,000 Posts - […] My day was really busy so I must have gotten a lot done. (Aug 25) […]

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