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Chapter Won

Chapter Won

A celebration of beginnings.

The first chapter of a book is something so profound, so important, and so special that we need to celebrate.

The dilemma of the first chapter is that it should be the best or at least one of the best chapters of a book. Herein lies the challenge.

Authors know this an inherently feel this and are therefore often blocked, empty, scared, hesitant, (add your favorite author fear here), and any or all of these that often chapterΒ one never sees the light of day.

This is why, when it does exist, when it is born into the world and we can start with chapter two, we can call this a victory, a celebration, a win.

As this book is focused on audio and because, as I say in the section on podcasts, it’s now so easy to create a podcast made up of chapters as episodes, I wanted to provide a platform for Audio for Authors students where we could share our first chapter of our audiobook with the world.

Audio for Authors

Audio for Authors

If you’re a student of the audio for authors course and would like your first chapter to appear on the podcast just fill out this form (which, of course, gives you a place to upload the audio for the chapter), and soon you will have a place where you can share your work with the ears of the world.

If you’re not yet at the student of the Audio for Authors course and you’re reading this before October 17, 2018, Β the best way to join is to get the book on Amazon, read the first part that has a secret code to get a big discount, join us behind the scenes, and let’s get that chapter one done and won.

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