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Color, color everywhere.

Color, color everywhere.

Just a walk around the block can bring out vibrant colors.

A rare rainy day in southern California brings out the colors on the surface, but you have to be on the lookout for them–and you have to be willing to take the photo.

It makes you want to rake them up and jump into a big pile of them.

What does one do with photos of nature collected? Make a coffee table book? Print them out? Print? Make them backgrounds on phone or tablets or computers? Maybe it’s just to remember them more vividly than our poor memories in our over-stimulated brains.

Ach, no matter. I’ll keep doing it because I just like it. I just like color. I like the colors of nature. What other colors are there?

It doesn't need to be the rolling hills of New Hampshire to bring out fall colors.

It doesn’t need to be the rolling hills of New Hampshire to bring out fall colors.

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