How much pleasure do you get from screwing in a light bulb?

It’s not a trick question or a joke. Working with your hands to “build” something has its merits.

How many people can still have fun screwing in a light bulb?
When you work in the fluff industries (sorry, throwback to my mathematics days looking at the soft sciences e.g. marketing, communications, etc.), it can be hard to see concrete* results. Just explain to a child what you do. If they understand immediately, you’re doing something “useful.” If not, well, yeah, there’s that. Of course, who could possibly define the world through the eyes of an 8-year old? Certainly not I, says the wolf.
When you use a hammer or cut wood or tighten a bolt, there’s just something about it that makes it fulfilling.
But it does give your life something of valor when a child understands it. Does that mean it’s simple? No, he understands an astronaut. They quickly understand a fireman or someone who installs light fixtures … like we did today. We removed the old one, installed the new one (did it wrong twice), and checked our work. Done, working, success!
There’s just something rewarding about it. Like shining shoes: the result is clear from the work.
*Little construction humor there.