Confidence Follows Action

Do the thing.
Let’s turn that around to make it even more clear:
Action brings confidence.
Or maybe:
Action breeds confidence.
Sows? Grows? Builds? Creates?
Choose your favorite verb.
But it’s not the other way around.
It’s not this order:
- Have confidence.
- Take action.
Did you catch that headline? NOT that order.
Here’s the proper order:
- Take action.
- Get confidence.
Let’s take a case study? Anyone? Anyone?
OK, fine, me.
Time machine back to March 31, 2014. I had written a total of 1 books (on April 1, 2004–note almost exact DECADE in between). #pressure
I had taken action back in 2004. That built confidence.
I then did not take action from 2004 through on to 2014. Want to guess how that affected my confidence?
Let’s just say I don’t want to talk about it.
On April 1, 2014, I published my second book.
It’s now fall 2019. I was just working on my 17th book.
Want to ask where my confidence is?
Action –> Confidence
That’s a math equation. It’s so simple.
Action results in confidence.
Just one moment because I can already hear from Samantha in the back of the class with her hand up asking:
“But what percentage chance is there that action will lead to confidence?”
— Samantha
4 out of 5 dentists say it’s around a 94% chance.
Here’s a simpler question (and answer) asked by me, the professor in the front of the room:
“What percentage chance is there of confidence when no action is taken?”
— Professor
That’s an easy one.
Zero percent chance.
No action –> no confidence boost.
Note I added “boost” (or increase) in there. Maybe you already have confidence. Awesome possum.
Want more? A boost?