Don’t expect people who have never done what you do to understand it.

Oh, so now I get it.
Here’s how I previously thought about it:
“Oh, so he’s doing that thing I’d like to do or at least have thought about doing or maybe just have thought about liking to do at some point in my future but I’m not sure I’m the type of person who does that sort of thing.”
— Someone Probably Thought
I tend to CREATE and ask questions later. I shoot from the hip, but mostly from the heart. Ooh, I like that. I’m going to make it a quote thingy:
“I shoot from the hip, but mostly from the heart.”
— Bradley Charbonneau
See, I just did it? I do “weird things” like write (a LOT) and then find good writing mixed in with the 95% of average writing and then quote it. So weird. I know.
But I don’t care. I don’t even care if you care. Writing is like breathing for me. If I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t survive–in fact, I wouldn’t thrive. I write because I can’t
Then I do weird things like quote my own work. Then I’ll make a podcast. Then a course. I’ll write books.
I do it because it’s my heart beat.
It makes the blood circulate.
“Don’t expect people who have never done what you do to understand it.”
— Dan Pederson from his post “Keep Doing Your Thing“