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Dying to Be Me

Dying to Be Me

A beautifully told story of something so unbelievable told so simply and matter of fact that it’s … hard to not believe.

repo-125-dying-to-be-meWe can all talk about healing and death and “the Source,” energy and the mind and body, but Anita Moorjani experienced it all so purely, cleanly and simply that it just makes it all hard to deny. She tells her story so in such a “matter of fact” way it’s as if you or I told a story of how we walked down the block to the grocery store and bought an onion. But she was ravaged by cancer, went into a coma, then came back and healed her cancer and went on to a normal life. She makes it all sound so simple and that’s the beauty of it: it is actually simple.

But the violin is simple, too … for the violinist.

But I think that’s exactly the hard part for us mortals! I see it like, I don’t know, learning the violin. Right now, it just seems so foreign, like it’s going to be forever before I’m any good. But after practicing for a long time, it will be more natural and I can play an easy song without much effort or thought. So it’s as if Anita is a violinist in the London Philharmonic Orchestra and it’s all so easy for her. That said, she explains and describes it all so simply and beautifully that it’s a joy to read (or listen to) and it just reinforces that this is all absolutely possible, we just have to believe and surrender.

We were shopping for a piano just yesterday for my 8-year old and the girl selling the piano (15 years old) gave my son a tip for his first recital, “Practice so much that you just play with your hands. You won’t have to think about it, your hands will play by themselves.”

It’s the hardest part of all of this, but it’s all about surrender.

Dying to Be Me on Amazon.

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