Is an online Facebook Event the best book marketing strategy for a Book Launch Party?

“The best?” Who knows. But it’s one event of many in a Book Launch Strategy.
The more book marketing strategies I read and study, the more the common denominator seems to be:
“Well, give it a go and see what happens.”
Sure, there are tactics that work better than others. I recently set up a mailing list to help get me to 100 book reviews in 30 days. But why not a Facebook Event?
OK, maybe it’s the dumbest thing ever. We’ll see.
But you won’t know if you don’t try. Maybe it’ll be a rocking success. Maybe people will show up at my house even though it’s supposed to an online kind of thing. Maybe I’ll have strangers crashing down the digital doors. Maybe I’ll serve digital punch and it will be spiked.
Hey, I’m going. Are you? Here’s the invite.