Das Geheimnis von Kite Hill

“The Secret of Kite Hill” in German!? Aber was!?
Well, it was a lot more work than I ever would have imagined, but in a matter of hours, 82 million Germans are probably going to swarm in what they’ve been waiting for over the past four years: The Secret of Kite Hill in German.
I know, it’s been a long wait, but it will be worth it. Just to hear Lu rattle off the Deutsch and Li call for Pepper in his best German accent. It will have all been well worth it.
But first, we need to wait for Amazon to approve it.
They probably are also setting up extra staff to man the delivery and demand that might bring down the European servers.
Get yours early, here’s the link: Das Geheimnis von Kite Hill.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll be back with a link.
I just needed to post because, all joking of swarming bookstores aside, it’s pretty cool to have a book translated into another language.
There will be more, but first thank you goes out to Hermann Baltes.