I Am, I Love, I Cry, I Worry, I Wonder, I Try, I Hope

What if adults had to fill this out?

A few words from an 8-year old to see deeper into the soul.
Here we are again, but this time two years later and a different son.ย The one from my older son is on my office wall. This new one will be next to it.
I wonder if the kids are coached in any way. 20 or so of these were on the wall of the classroom last night at Back to School Night and many of the first lines (of the boys anyway) were similar (athletic, etc.). But then it varied wildly.
The “I Wonder” was especially insightful. My son has, “I wonder how many miles it takes to go around the world,” which is kinda funny as it’s not really something you’d wonder about, you could just look it up. But that right there gives you insight into how their brains work. My favorite on the wall was, “I wonder how the remote control connects to the TV.”
This is probably already a worldwide project put together by some smarter-than-I-am child educational guru, but if not, maybe we’ll have to start a campaign. It would be interesting, wouldn’t it? Maybe they’d have to do it every year and weren’t allowed to look back at previous years for comparison. Maybe adults should do it every year, too.
P.S. We’ve been late for school, uh, often.