Call for Submissions: Every Single Day KIDS. Do you know a kid who has experienced the Every Single Day phenomenon?

For my upcoming book “Every Single Day KIDS,” I’m looking to interview kids (or parents of kids) who have successfully improved an aspect of their lives through daily practice.
It’s that terrible conundrum: simple but not necessarily easy.
If I could convince my own son (yes, the one who lives in the house with the author of the esteemed “Every Single Day” best seller) that studying even 10 minutes per day all week is better than 2 hours on a Sunday night, I’m pretty sure the stars would align with Jupiter’s moons and world peace would come crashing down onto the world.
But I digress.
It’s simple. But it’s not always easy.
I want to collect stories from real human child specimens. From those who have practiced every single day or learned or tried or experimented on a daily basis for, say, a minimum of a month and who realized a change of some kind.
I don’t have a hard and fast rule for what qualifies as “true and lasting change” but if it’s that for you then it’s that for me.
If you have a story of change and you don’t yet consider yourself an adult, I’d like to hear from you.
If you could fill out this form and give me a bit of information to go on, I can contact you and we can have a short phone call.
If you’re no longer a kid, you can fill out the form for adults.
I might use our call as part of a podcast episode and/or as part of the upcoming book.
Thank you for your cooperation and interest. Also, if you’re not a kid but know a kid, please send them to this page and I’d be much obliged.