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The Indie Author Mindset

The Indie Author Mindset

How Changing Your Way of Thinking Can Transform Your Writing Career

I just listened to Adam Croft’s latest audiobook for authors: The Indie Author Mindset. My only complaint is that I didn’t listen to it (and it didn’t exist) a few years ago.

If you’re a successful indie author who’s doing everything right, royalties shower your inbox daily, and your author life is an author dream, you don’t need to read this book.

If you’re not quite there yet, it’s a good idea to read this book (or better yet, listen to it).

In fact, even if you’re thinking of becoming an author (whether indie or not), this is a good place to start.

Nope, it won’t go into details about book marketing. It only touches on topics like advertising and costs. It skims over what other books go into depth on. But that’s the point: this book is about mindset.

It’s what you need BEFORE you begin “all of that other stuff” (e.g. writing books, marketing, making a business out of it).

It’s a few hours on Audible and these few hours should “earn” you hundreds of hours in free time when you can count your royalties and analyze your ROI. Oh, and write more books.


  1. Adam Croft

    Thanks for the lovely review, Bradley!

    • Bradley

      My pleasure, Adam. I left reviews on Amazon and Audible as well. If I had to sum up what I got out of it, it would be: Think Bigger.

      It mostly comes from the example of spending 10 pounds (or dollars) and making 20 when you could be spending 1,000 and making 2,000. It’s Thinking Bigger.

      I’m getting there …


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