It’s a time of giving. Did you give something to yourself?

It’s been a good year. What did you give yourself to make next year even better?
You can call it an investment, a gift, or just something you’d like to do for yourself, but how can the end of this year make next year a step up from this?
Each year gets better. We work hard. We accomplish, we experiment, we give it our best, we fail, we get up and go for it again.
What are you giving yourself this year?
For me, I’m typing on my new gift to myself.
It’s sparkly, fast, and I’m enjoying it like a kid in the candy store.
Speaking of candy.
Speaking of the store.
It’s the night before Christmas and all through the house … there were just four huge raccoons outside.
There’s lots of stirring.
Don’t forget yourself on your list to give to this year.
So next year will be even better.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.