Laughing–out loud–at your own creations can cure the soul.

Lu and I are working on our next book. He was just laughing out loud–good and hard–at some of his own work.
There’s not much better medicine than laughter. Maybe second in line is creating something from nothing.

Lu puts his passion where his mouth is.
We’re working on the 5th book in the Li & Lu series and I’m reminded how creative kids are. We haven’t worked on the stories together in a while and it’s good to get back into it.
His laugh is genuine and deep and can’t be stopped. He laughs at his own work (because it’s funny) and he doesn’t hold back. Where did the content come from that he’s laughing at? We created it. He created it. I created it. From nothing, we had something. From a blank page, we had a story.
It’s nothing earth shattering. It’s about fries. Well, and mayonnaise. Or, more specifically, “fritesaus” which is “fry sauce” which is like mayonnaise but less fat–or something like that. It’s a mystery. I think the secret is locked up in the Dutch vault. But fries are dear to his heart and mayonnaise runs in his blood.
What have you created lately?
Li & Lu book #5 is coming out in 2017.