NaNoWriMo Winner! Oh. Now what?

Yesterday I hit 50,000+ words for the month of November!
Woo hoo! Yippee! Hurray!
But now what?
I’m pretty sure that the plan is to write the draft of a novel. My 50k is a draft at best. What’s now on the agenda? Editing and plotting to see what I can best do with all of that content.
But what have I also learned from NaNoWriMo 2017?
That I need to write every day. Oops, I was already doing that. No, I need to write fiction on a more regular basis.
It was fun, exhilarating, and gave me energy. My characters come to life as I get warmed up and I laugh out loud at things they say and stuff they do. I love writing fiction. NaNo 2017 helped me see that more clearly.
I can’t wait until 2018 and my fiction hitting the shelves.
Here we go!