One to One or One to Many?

What audience are you reaching? Are you reaching more than a single person?
If you’re talking to your son about his experience at school that day, that’s a good example of when a one-to-one audience is appropriate. But if you’re talking to a client and you’re explaining something basic that you’ve explained to countless clients before and will likely will do so again and again, then you could be using your time more efficiently not walking them through that mundane process, but rather let them read the manual or watch a video or get help elsewhere while you focus your time with them on using your added value.
It also devalues your added value when you spend your one-on-one time doing something that should really be a one-to-many event. Maybe it should be a webinar or workshop or online video. Whatever it is, save that precious one-to-one time for what is specific to that person.

Tell just that one soldier and you’re one-to-one. Tell the whole squadron and you’re more efficient.