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Acronym Challenge: P.L.A.Y.

Acronym Challenge: P.L.A.Y.
This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Acronym Challenge

Dig deep into the title of your book (or your whatever) and spell it out with further description.

It’s an exercise that can only get you thinking.

How bad could that be?

Here’s my work in progress. I found this page that helps but I still need to think and choose.


  1. Pace
  2. Paint
  3. Pair
  4. Parade
  5. Pardon
  6. Part
  7. Pass
  8. Patch
  9. Pave
  10. Peek
  11. Peel
  12. Pencil
  13. Percolate
  14. Permeate
  15. Permit
  16. Perpetuate
  17. Persevere
  18. Persist
  19. Personalize
  20. Persuade
  21. Picture
  22. Plan
  23. Plant
  24. Play
  25. Plot
  26. Plunge
  27. Point
  28. Polish
  29. Position
  30. Practice
  31. Praise
  32. Predict
  33. Prefer
  34. Prepare
  35. Present
  36. Proceed
  37. Process
  38. Proclaim
  39. Produce
  40. Progress
  41. Promise
  42. Promote
  43. Prospect
  44. Prosper
  45. Protect
  46. Prove
  47. Provide
  48. Prune
  49. Pry
  50. Publish
  51. Pull
  52. Purify
  53. Purr
  54. Push


  1. Label
  2. Lack
  3. Lag
  4. Lament
  5. Land
  6. Last
  7. Lather
  8. Laugh
  9. Launch
  10. Lavish
  11. Lead
  12. Lean
  13. Leap
  14. Learn
  15. Leave
  16. Legalize
  17. Let
  18. Level
  19. Levitate
  20. Lift
  21. LIght
  22. Lighten
  23. Like
  24. Link
  25. List
  26. Listen
  27. Live
  28. Locate
  29. Lock
  30. Look
  31. Loosen
  32. Lose
  33. Lower
  34. Lull
  35. Lure


  1. Abandon
  2. Accelerate
  3. Accept
  4. Acclimatize
  5. Account
  6. Accrue
  7. Accumulate
  8. Achieve
  9. Acknowledge
  10. Acquire
  11. Act
  12. Activate
  13. Adapt
  14. Add
  15. Address
  16. Adjust
  17. Admire
  18. Admit
  19. Adopt
  20. Advance
  21. Advertise
  22. Advise
  23. Affirm
  24. Aggregate
  25. Agree
  26. Aim
  27. Align
  28. Alleviate
  29. Allocate
  30. Allot
  31. Allow
  32. Ally
  33. Alter
  34. Alternate
  35. Amass
  36. Amaze
  37. Amble
  38. Ameliorate
  39. Amend
  40. Amplify
  41. Amuse
  42. Analyze
  43. Anchor
  44. Angle
  45. Animate
  46. Announce
  47. Answer
  48. Appeal
  49. Appease
  50. Applaud
  51. Apply
  52. Appoint
  53. Approach
  54. Approve
  55. Arise
  56. Arm
  57. Arrange
  58. Arrive
  59. Articulate
  60. Ask
  61. Aspire
  62. Assemble
  63. Assess
  64. Assign
  65. Assist
  66. Assuage
  67. Assume
  68. Assure
  69. Astonish
  70. Astound
  71. Attempt
  72. Attract
  73. Authorize
  74. Automate
  75. Avert
  76. Avoid
  77. Awaken
  78. Award


  1. Yank
  2. Yap
  3. Yawn
  4. Yell
  5. Yellow
  6. Yelp
  7. Yield

Whew! Well, that was fun!

Series NavigationAcronym Challenge: D.A.R.E. >>

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