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PLAY | Wait a minute. Those are little bubbles of gold. That’s an ocean of playful.

PLAY | Wait a minute. Those are little bubbles of gold. That’s an ocean of playful.
This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series Play
  • PLAY | Wait a minute. Those are little bubbles of gold. That’s an ocean of playful.

Gold and riches and glittery? Nope.

Colorful plastic? Yep.

SOURCE: It’s early Saturday morning as I write this. I’m just out of a powerful meditation where, as we were onto the third “region” of focus, I opened up to “whatever may come.” It’s an important part of Meditation, the Surrender. At first glance, I was laying in a bath of tiny balls of gold. Glittery and yummy, delicious and rich. I was, quite literally, floating in wealth. Yet, the scene morphed (as it tends to do in meditation) and it was no longer gold and glittery but colorful and … plastic. I was now in one of those play pens of colorful plastic balls that 7-year-olds somehow find fascinating.

— Straight from Source

As I had “asked” for the unknown, for whatever may come, and, maybe not-so-subconsciously, based on ego, and lower-level desires, I wanted wealth, money, and it came, briefly, in the form of a bath of gold spheres.

Yet, it was quickly replaced by the child’s playground, by the innocence, purity, and glorious naïveté of youth.

Could it be that THIS is what we’re after?

Is it possible that it’s not the wealth and the glitz and the gold and the glamour?

But a youthful, playful, outlook and perspective that turns our lives, our worlds, into a free-for-all playtime of happiness and innocent joy?

Play Pen of Fantastical Dreams
Play Pen of Fantastical Dreams [Photo by Cleyton Ewerton on Unsplash]

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