The Power of Eight

I was pretty good with “1 + 1 > 2” but this takes it to an entirely higher level.
I dedicate a chapter in my book “Every Single Day” to Better Together, but I mostly touch on a group larger than just yourself. I’m mostly interested in going beyond just you, just “1,” just yourself, alone, strong, but still just that one of you.
In “The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World,” Lynne McTaggart takes it exponential.
If you have any experience with meditation and you’re doing OK on your own (or kind of OK or even doing great), you’ll want to read this book. Here’s my super quick review that you’ll only understand if you’re a meditator:
If you have managed to touch or peek inside the power of meditation and are looking to take things to the next level, this might just be your book.
I say “might” because maybe you’re happy where you are. Maybe meditation (and “spirituality”) in general are doing great things for you and you’re happy where things are. If you’re there, awesome. Enjoy.
This is more for those who want more. Who reach a peak, celebrate it, and look forward to the next one.
If you’re reading this and it just sounds tiring (“Geez, can’t you just stop and enjoy for a bit? Why do I always have to take it to the next level?”) then that’s OK too. Stay where you are, keep it going, enjoy.
Again, this is for those who want to go higher, explore beyond what they could imagine on their own.
I’m not going to even attempt to summarize the book or all of her experiments but just imagine that if you are, say, I don’t know, in the kindergarten of spirituality and/or meditation or whatever you want to call it and you’d like to skip a few classes (and years) and head right up into high school or university, this might just be the book for you.
I’m not intentionally being vague. I’m sure this book will just go over the heads of many (ha, little unexpected but welcome pun there). Again, that’s OK. But if you want to see it go over your head, grab on, and go up with it, give this a read.
Here’s my Amazon review of the book, just for kicks:
What if your health, prosperity, and happiness lay in the hands of 7 other people? What if theirs lay in yours?
If you’ve tried every trick in the book and then tried every book of tricks, it might be time to take the weight off of your own shoulders and lay it down in the middle of a circle of eight.
If you believe in your own power and in that of your higher power, but might be stuck or have plateaued, maybe it’s time to tap into the communal power of small groups.
McTaggart shows us how, tells us why, and lays it all out for us with case studies, wit, research, and charm. If you’re ready to take things to the next level of your health or success or whatever-it-is-that-you’re-after, it might be time to go beyond yourself and seek out the power of eight.
P.S. I know how important it is in reviews to be a “Verified Purchase,” but this paperback book was handed to me by a dear friend who said, “You have to read this.” I have and I thank her. I also got the audiobook from the library and listening to it is a joy. Please do just that: open it up, open yourself up, and enjoy the ride.
If you’re even on the fence about thinking about possibly picking it up, take my word for it that you won’t regret it.
If you do regret it, you can come back to earth with a more practical book. Something like, oh, I don’t know … Every Single Day.
You’ve been warned.