Wind: Invisible, Available, and Powerful

- Wind: Invisible, Available, and Powerful
- Sail: Harness the Power
- Rudder: Guide the Motion
- Revel: Celebrate the Victories
So what are you going to do with it?
I’m no sailor. I think the movie “Jaws” scarred my entire sea faring existence.
But I’m fascinated with sailboats.
- Wind
- Sail
- Rudder
Maybe there’s more to it (see above lack of maritime qualifications), but does there need to be? Sure, pulleys, steering wheel (I’m sure it has a glossier name … ), special knots, and flowing white button down shirts.
But the wind is the energy, the source, the power.
The sail captures and harnesses that power and propels you forward.
The rudder guides you where you want to go.
Is there more to understand?

Wind: Invisible, Available, and Powerful