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Radio (Audio) Theater

Radio (Audio) Theater

I’m reading this book: The Enlightened Passenger

While listening to this book: Be Your Future Self Now

and my (most recent) plan is to combine the contents of them–well, my own version of the same/similar information, and add a twist of “radio theater” to the production.

The Enlightened Passenger is a story of a man on an airplane and his encounter with another guy. That’s it. It’s their conversation. Much like a theater production, just the two guys talking. Occasionally, there’s another minor character. What I would love to do is create a multi-person, multi-voice “radio drama” (I don’t know what else to call it) of a similar story.

It’s not a coincidence that I’m listening to Be Your Future Self Now because I have just wrapped up my workshop of a similar topic: ONE.

I’m really loving the content of The Enlightened Passenger although it’s a bit more spiritual than Future Self–the authors are quite different in their styles.

That’s where I am today: looking to do a radio drama-style audio program of a much more fiction-style book than I’ve written before.


  1. Here We Go (Again) - Pass the Sour Cream - […] Radio (Audio) Theater July 29 […]

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