“Just using that program makes me more motivated to write.”

“It’s just so pretty.”
I’m working with my nieces (through the Spark Campfire program) to write a book in a month.
We were cranking along in Google Docs until I wanted to get a MOBI (Amazon Kindle) version and that would take some conversion.
Unless you just write in Reedsy to begin with, then it’s just one click.
The thing about Reedsy is that it’s built for writers–not just for documents. It’s made to write books in. It’s that simple.
Oh, and it looks beautiful.
So when I told the girls we’d need to get out of Google Docs to get into another program so we could upload their books to Amazon properly, they were a little concerned about the new software–until they started using it.
Then it was easy.
We’re switched to Reedsy.
The only feature I’m waiting for is sharing documents so I can get into their books and help edit and whatnot. But Reedsy say this feature is coming.