I’m not writing as much fiction as I’d like to. Here’s the solution.

Need to shake up your schedule? Take advantage of a change of scenery.
Tomorrow I’m leaving for two weeks. I’m going to have a much different daily schedule that has no kids, very simple responsibilities, and all be good and jetlagged in the mornings with no one awake.
I’ve been wondering to write more fiction. Fiction, for me, is something I need in my morning like I do water and meditation and exercise.
When I don’t write fiction, I’m not my best self.
Here’s a bit of public accountability as I declare that I will write one hour of fiction every morning for the coming two weeks.
That’s it. That’s my post for today.
Even in writing these few lines, I realized the value of writing fiction that has been absent in my life for the past few weeks. Just writing this short post already helps me, inspires me, and will lead me to action starting tomorrow morning in the airport.
Charlie Holiday, I’m coming for you.

I’m not writing as much fiction as I’d like to. Here’s the solution. [Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash]