If your To Do List is longer than your arm, it’s no longer a To Do List: it’s a burden.
Each item weighs you down like another lead weight as you tread water at sea. Sound dangerous? It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
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To Do Lists are great. I’m a huge fan. Except when it takes over you life. Like brother-in-law, wife, smiling alien child-like human and their dog, hamster and “he likes to roam free” lizard move in and take over your life. Then it’s time to cut. Like chain saw cut. (Do I sense hostility?)My business coach required me (picture Nerf gun to head) to write out all of my tasks or projects or goals or stuff. She’s right, I need to. It’ll be therapeutic. She didn’t ask me to do this part, but I just thought of it. Here’s my dream To Do List: “Write book #2 of Markree Castle.” That’s one thing. That’s my dream To Do List. Now back to our regularly scheduled reality show.
- Write Every Day.
- Write queries for guest posts at:
- Writing: blogs, magazines: 1,000 Posts in 1,000 Days, writing habit, publishing on Kindle, writing together with your kids, etc.
- Travel: home exchange, travel with kids
- Parenting: raising bi-lingual kids, raising dual citizenship kids
- Edit Secret of Markree Castle
- Record audio for Secret of Markree Castle
- Re-record audio for Secret of Kite Hill
- Markree Castle book #2
- Write (in Nov. for NaNoWriMo)
- Edit (uh, while I’m writing?)
- Publish (by Dec. 15, 2015)
- Promote (now)
- Write travel story for reading in November
- Submit: books to more than just Amazon: Goodreads, B&N, etc.
- Research: WattPad, other writing resources
- Interviews: get interviewed on podcasts (about 1,000 posts, etc.)
- Proposal for speaking spot at writer’s conference in Feb. 2016
- Write ebook about Writing Every Day. Habit, but mostly about the (surprising) benefits.
- Write ebook on Home Exchange.
Website design business. What to do with it? How to use the brand, reputation and website traffic to build something (even if it’s just more traffic and product creation).
- Good projects: keep running the projects I like?
- OK projects: Hire a project manager for the rest?
- Projects: Refer new (and existing?) clients to someone else and collect a referral fee?
- Transition: Plan the “sunset” of the business. That’s a nice way of saying, “Find a nice grave site for my business because I’m going to murder it.” Soon.
- Product creation: build passive-income-generating articles, courses, ebooks, etc. to sell, promote, earn referral fees, affiliate payouts, etc.
- In-depth comparison of top 5 WordPress themes (series of posts), would be quite an undertaking to do it well. Audience?
- The Last WordPress Guide You’ll Ever Need (ebook)
- Fire your designer (article)
- Fire your WordPress website developer (article)
- Hosting
- Transfer: all hosting from my 4 servers to new single server (easier billing, simpler everything, faster, etc.)
- Billing: clean up existing outstanding billing
Home / Family
- Photo albums: Build 2015 photo album (send to mother in law). I think these print photo albums are so important for the kids (and us!) to see what we’ve been up to the past few years. The kids LOVE them and just browse through them. Well, they browse through my mom’s albums because, ahem, I don’t have many (I have done some summer books).
- Build 2014 album …
- Build 2013 album …
- Build 2012 album …
- Build 2011 album …
- Yeah, I’m a bit behind.
- House: I won’t even start here
OK, this is out of hand. I’m just getting warmed up and I think this is going to be a work in progress.
I can safely say that my To Do List is out of control. How’s yours? What are you going to do about it?
- Possible: don’t keep any lists
- Impossible: to do list as long as your arm and conquering it
- Repossible: publicly admit that your to do list is out of control and list it all
P.S. I’m filing this under Health … [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]