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Use the tools you have on hand.

Use the tools you have on hand.

You can wait for everything to be in place to begin or you can begin.

When you ask a child (or an adult for that matter) to do something, they don’t really want to do, they find all of the excuses in the world.

“I don’t have the tools I need, I can’t do the project.”

“If I just had this, I could begin.”

“It’s too cold.”

“It’s too hot.”

“It will be just right once I get this.”

Sure, there are times, probably most of the time, when you don’t have the tools on hand to do what you need to do. In this case, there are a few options:

  1. Give up (because you don’t have the tools (you think) you need.
  2. Wait for the tools you need.
  3. Complain that you don’t have what you need.
  4. Forge ahead anyway.

It’s going to come down to how much you want to do the project and how much you’d rather whine about it. If you use this on a micro level (e.g. trying to make tacos in The Netherlands) and have even minor success, it could possibly help you on a macro level (e.g. you don’t yet exactly have the qualifications to begin that work project you’ve been wanting to do).

Here’s a secret: what usually happens are steps 1 through 4 above anyway. So just skip ahead to number 4 now that you know.

P.S. I have never heard of “Mini Taco Cones.”

Use the tools you have on hand.

Use the tools you have on hand.

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