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Vitamin Salad

Vitamin Salad

No, really, there’s a vitamin in there.

I’m trying to get the kids more involved in daily activities. Not the terrible stuff like cleaning up their room and not just the fun stuff like choosing where to eat, but the middle-of-the-road stuff like making dinner. My 8-year old was going to help with the salad … but not going to eat it.

We were also making a smoothie so when he said he wanted to put the vitamin in, I thought he meant in there, but nope, chopped up into tender soft morsels were our calcium gummies. They added a little color and pizazz. We’ll see if his mother notices.

Vitamin Salad

  • Shredded kale
  • Shredded spinach
  • Shredded cabbage
  • Freeze dried cranberries
  • Chia seeds
  • Sliced jalepenos
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Chopped up calcium vitamins

That’s about all we could find and it was probably better to quit while we were ahead (were we?).

What happens when you let your 8-year old help make the salad.

What happens when you let your 8-year old help make the salad.

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