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Vitamix Parfait

Vitamix Parfait

I’ve hooked another sale! Oh wait, I don’t work for Vitamix … yet.

I’m not really sure what a “parfait” is (other than it means “perfect” in French), but maybe it’s something like a sorbet? So much for my culinary wisdom today.

But even more important, I’ve wrangled up yet another Vitamix devotee. I’m not looking for my $27 commission, but rather, on my deathbed, recognition for changing the world one blender at a time.

You see, it’s not just a blender (blasphemy!). It’s a science, an art, dare I saw a religion. It’s a cult, a following, a worship. If you don’t know, you haven’t been there. If you can’t envision, you haven’t seen.

If you have yet to be anointed, please be patient. Your day too will come.


  1. Strawberries
  2. Cottage cheese
  3. Sugar
  4. Milk of some kind, I think
  5. Vitamix
  6. I’m not really sure how it came together …
I have another fanatic ...

I have another fanatic …

Have Vitamix, will travel. Strawberry parfait a la vitamix.

Have Vitamix, will travel. Strawberry parfait a la vitamix.

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