Vitamix Parfait

I’ve hooked another sale! Oh wait, I don’t work for Vitamix … yet.
I’m not really sure what a “parfait” is (other than it means “perfect” in French), but maybe it’s something like a sorbet? So much for my culinary wisdom today.
But even more important, I’ve wrangled up yet another Vitamix devotee. I’m not looking for my $27 commission, but rather, on my deathbed, recognition for changing the world one blender at a time.
You see, it’s not just a blender (blasphemy!). It’s a science, an art, dare I saw a religion. It’s a cult, a following, a worship. If you don’t know, you haven’t been there. If you can’t envision, you haven’t seen.
If you have yet to be anointed, please be patient. Your day too will come.
- Strawberries
- Cottage cheese
- Sugar
- Milk of some kind, I think
- Vitamix
- I’m not really sure how it came together …

I have another fanatic …

Have Vitamix, will travel. Strawberry parfait a la vitamix.