Your eyes can distinguish up to 1 million color surfaces and take in more information than the largest telescope in the world

Are we doing everything we can with everything we have?
Our dear semi-fictional friend Charlie Holiday doesn’t know exactly what his powers consist of. But how far out of his own body and mind does he need to go.
Turns out, not far at all.
What can we do and what can we not do? How much of it is what we perceive, what we believe? Is it that we can’t see it because we can’t believe it? Or is it that we can’t believe it because we can’t see it?
Charlie Holiday is open to what his special powers are. What can he do and why is it possible for him? Is he really special? Is he more special than you are?
Your eyes can distinguish up to 1 million color surfaces and take in more information than the largest telescope in the world.
What can you see?
Your skin consists of more than 280,000 heat receptors.
What do you feel?
You have the ability to detect over 10,000 different smells.
What can you smell?
What are you going to see today? To feel today? To smell today? Is Charlie Holiday really all that special?
Or is it just you?