Who are your readers? Where do they hang out? How can you connect with them?

Even with targeted advertising, think about where your readers want to hear about your book.
With book marketing, or any type of marketing for that matter, it’s important to know where your readers are and what type of mindset they’re in when you make contact. For example:
Most people don’t go on Facebook looking for a new novel to read. They also don’t go on Amazon to see photos of their cousin’s dog.
But maybe an ad about self-help and new year’s resolutions on Facebook could get their attention. While they’re on Amazon, they’re ready to buy books or at least ready to buy something.
I’ve been having the most success with finding locales where the readers are hanging out:
- Amazon
- Goodreads
- Free or discounted book giveaway sites
- Contests and giveaways (via Amazon and Goodreads)
These are readers. They’re not shopping for an extension cord for their leaf blower. They’re looking for books–maybe yours.
Do you know where your readers hang out?