World Cup 2022 Notes

Please print this page with the date on it so you’ll have it as a souvenir for 2022.
I won’t go into elaborate detail, but just needed to get this out for the future record books. You see, my boys plan on being professional football (soccer) players, rockstars, or chefs (in that order). So when they hit goal number one (pun intended … ) we’ll have this fodderย for the pre-game background on the newest players.
Little known today, probably standard training methods by 2022.
You see, here in Oma’s front garden, we use specially made goals that measure only maybe a meter wide and even less than that high. Goals are tough to come by and even a close shot can be tricky. Long shots take exacting patience and might take an extra Chocomel before they start dropping in. If you can dribble around your defender and the mole traps it’s still an act of science and art to get the back of the net.
The regular rains can make for a muddy pitch but again it’s all in the name of the future World Cup fame and fortune, so they struggle through it. There can be quite a bit of rabbit (and mole?) poop on the field, so when playing barefoot (another key to connecting physically and mentally with the ball and the grass) you might need that extra jump, turn, or twist to make the pass or set the shot.
They’ve also learned to not shoot too high over the goal because the ball might go into the creek, the banks of which are full of thorny branches and probably poison ivy of several varieties.
It’s all just part of getting tough to make it to the World Cup 2022. Stay tuned.

Their secret? Tiny goals for precision shots.