When 5 seconds makes all the difference

Really, just five little seconds?
Let’s see, here’s where 5 seconds doesn’t make much difference:
- When on an around-the-world sailing race,
- If you’re stuck in traffic on the way to work,
- During the film when you’re lost in the scene and time doesn’t even seem to be moving.
All the time in the world, right? Who cares about a measly little five seconds?
Let’s look at a few scenarios where it does matter:
- When the space shuttle is connecting to the lunar landing module and it has to match up exactly for a successful mission,
- Those times in a car race when the leader is five seconds ahead of you–and remains five seconds ahead for the entire last lap.
- When your Toastmasters speech hits the maximum 7 minutes and 30 seconds and you go on for another 5 seconds.
If you’re a friend of Pass the Sour Cream, you might recall that I haven’t flown too many space shuttle missions and the only car I have tops out around 130 km/h.
I’m trying not to dwell on What Might Have Been. Or how about a little 20/20 Hindsight?
I was disqualified for my speech last night (and thus disqualified for the competition and out of the running for future competition rounds) because I went 5 seconds over.
I know what you’re saying (because I’m saying it too):
- Rules are rules.
- If we make exceptions, where do we draw the line,
- Suck it up, buttercup.
I”m sucking it up. Rules ARE rules. I’m there. I get it. Let’s see what else I should be saying now:
- There’s a learning experience here,
- I’ll never make that mistake again,
- At least I didn’t lose based on talent,
- There’s always a silver lining.
Is there always a silver lining? Really? Like with everything? I’m not seeing it just yet but it’s been under 24 hours.
Well, 24 hours and 5 seconds…