If you don’t have a grandmother, can you borrow someone else’s?

I think in-law family’s relatives count as your own … for better or worse.
My 8-year old has been taking piano lessons for the past few months and really enjoying it. My brother-in-law’s grandma came in the house on Christmas Eve and within 8 minutes they were sitting together behind the piano together. Little did he (or I) know the history of that piano.
Turns out it was her piano from back in Clinton, Iowa. Not only was it hers, but she designed it and had it made by Steinway. This was back in the late 1950’s. My 8-year old was born in this century and anything pre-1999 is pretty much prehistoric. It might as well have been black and white, automobile-free, and questionable as to whether or not they had electricity.
My sister has now inherited it and her girls take their lessons on it, too. It makes her happy that others are enjoying what she created. She’s also thrilled that people are playing piano as she’s a huge fan–and an excellent pianist.
She talked about the little felt booties that they used in the transport of the piano from New York to Clinton. My sister brought it out as if she’s been carrying it around in her back pocket. But grandma used to hang the little felt bootie from her Christmas tree every year and now my sister does the same. The little felt cover is more than 50 years old. Grandma is 94.
She’s telling more stories now, I can hear her. I better go listen to put my measly 40-something years into perspective. She’s sharp as a tack and a pleasure to listen to. I’m going to go to just that. That is, if I can get her and my son away from the piano.
- The 94-year old and the 8-year old–a meeting of the minds.
- They had the Steinway ordered from New York and it arrived in 1962 in Clinton, Iowa.
- They bought the house in 1957 and had the mortgage paid off by 1962.