Clarity • Courage • Confidence

Greetings from early morning Driebergen,
Didn’t have such a great day yesterday.
Then I:
- Fasted
- Meditated
- Created
Then I recorded a video of my narration of a new chapter form my upcoming book, “You Don’t Have To.” (https://books2read.com/ydht)
It’s 11 minutes. It’s a clear and simple path to the clarity to know what to do (and when and how), then to the courage: to dare to start, and finally gives you the confidence to persevere and finish.
Clarity: to know what to do (and when and how)
Courage: to dare to start
Confidence: to persevere and finish
Have a great day. B
P.S. If you’d like to sign up for the Easiest Book Ever: https://go.repossible.com/wbe