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Delegation Proclamation

Delegation Proclamation

When you actually do it, it’s a beautiful thing.

I’ve had a bookkeeper in my office the past two days straight. Full days. She’s caught me up on years (no, really) of invoices not sent, out-of-date accounts, and overall chaos in my administrative world. She costs real money, but we’re also billing real money. She also brings something else: peace of mind of getting something done that I’ve been annoyed with for, well, years. How much is that worth?

So what’s the holdup? Why didn’t I do this years ago? Dunno. Why don’t you do half the things on your to do list? Dunno. If I knew, I’d probably have done them. I’m going to chalk this up as a victory and keep the ball rolling, get fully caught up and even better, have better systems in place for a more automated future. Oh, by the way, she’s been setting that up, too.

If you prepare, doing the thing is all the less hard.

If you prepare, doing the thing is all the less hard.


  1. Reflex Reactions

    Hi ya Bradley, you won’t know yourself when this job is done. The only good thing about building this kind of stress is realising how easy and quick it is to let it go… are you doing the AtoZ challenge this year?

    • Bradley

      Hi Ida!
      I’m trying to make big changes in 2014. Changes I didn’t make in 2013. If not, when is it going to happen? No better time than the present. I hope I don’t know myself when this is done as I’m tired of the current self! I’m looking forward to a new self … that I don’t recognize. Thanks for the note.

    • Bradley

      Oh, and yes, would love to do the challenge this year!


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