Don’t Blink

I was hoping for something along the lines of Private, but maybe it was the co-author.

A thriller by James Patterson.
I don’t know much about how it works with a co-author. I mean, I can imagine, but how does it really work? Does one author write it first and the other then proofs, edits, and suggests? Or do they both write a draft and compare and meld and puzzle? I truly don’t know.
After enjoying Private, I thought I’d give another James Patterson a try. But this was together with a different co-author: Howard Roughan. I finished it because it was painless to get through, but I was much more intrigued with the audiobook we started listening to on our long drive through California (Dead Heat). Maybe it’s just the writer’s style … duh. It’s almost only the writer’s style. In fact, duh, maybe this little reading exercise over the holidays is reminding me why you enjoy the authors that you do: because you like their style. You’d read (most) anything they wrote regardless of the subject matter.
I think if I’m going to actually start reading (in earnest) again, I should be a little more conscious of where I get my books. This one came to me after chatting with the barber’s wife (who cut my hair) about what books we were reading. I don’t even remember her saying it was good, but she handed it to me and there’s something about books: you have to read them, especially if someone hands them to you. Well, maybe if you’re on vacation and you actually have the time for once.
Again, it was a quick read and a fun mafia thriller for the holidays. Maybe I should take books for what they’re supposed to be. It’s not supposed to be a deep, psychological puzzle, it’s supposed to be a thriller with guns and twists and turns. It was.
I should even be careful calling these posts “reviews.” I’m not really reviewing a book, it’s more a list to put down what I’m reading and my thoughts on it. Even if I’m going into meta reviewing and reviewing the style or author or co-authorship, I just want a place where I can see what I’ve been reading. Next!