“It’s OK, I’ll just become the person I dreamed of being in my next life.”

Doing Bryan Cohen’s 5-Day Amazon Adverting Profit Challenge and working on new hooks for my books.
The homework for Day #4 is to write, without stopping or editing, 20 hooks for your book.
I’m reaching back to “Every Single Day.” Here goes.
- It’s OK, I’ll just become the person I dreamed of being in my next life.
- “Transformation?” It’s such a big and scary word. I’ll start on that later.
- “You want me to start improving my life when?!”
- Oh, that’s not me. I’m not the type of person who does that sort of thing.
- Couldn’t we just work on improving my life every other Thursday? I’m kinda busy today.
- I want to improve my life. I do. I just don’t know where to start. Or when.
- Well, do you actually know anyone who made huge changes in his or her life based only on tiny changes on a daily basis?
- I don’t think I’m up for it. I’ll just stick with the person I have become and let that dream shrivel up and disappear.
- Wait, so you mean you know people who have transformed their lives through only a simple habit change? Do you think I could be one of them?
- I’ll start working on my new life tomorrow.
- Let me give it to you straight: there’s only one way to climb that mountain. One step at a time.
- I’m sorry, could you do something for me? Put one foot in front of the other. There you go. You did it. You started. Keep doing that.
- There are those of us who have succeeded and now live extraordinary lives beyond anything we might have dreamed of. It didn’t begin by starting tomorrow.
- When you’re 80 years old and you look back on that day and thank the heavens you made the decision it will help clear up what’s holding you back today.
- There are two “time zones” that don’t actually exist: yesterday and tomorrow. So when was it again you were going to begin down the path of the lifestyle you wanted to head towards?
- Yesterday is over. Tomorrow doesn’t exist yet. There is only one time to take action and it’s not Thursday after next. It’s today.
- “Every Single Day” is a mantra I learned from a Tibetan monk who lived joyously and prosperously until the ripe old age of 117. Just kidding. But it is the secret to a joyous and prosperous life.
- A year from now when you look back on today and say, “Gee, I’m sure glad I didn’t start then!” you’ll be crying with guilt.
- Habits are muscles. They grow–but can also decrease. We build new ones and old ones go away. But we need to use them, practice them. A lifestyle is a collection of habits.
- If you alter the trajectory of a rocket, it might end up on Mars instead of Jupiter. If you take action today instead of tomorrow, you might just …
- I wish I could more powerfully convey the joy and ease of a daily habit but no words or sermons or online courses can replace your simple daily action.
- I can write all day about how great it is to take a single, daily step towards your goal but nothing will change until you take it.
- Have you ever noticed how talking about climbing the mountain and climbing the mountain aren’t quite the same thing? It’s a bit like wanting a new and better life and taking action towards it.
- I know you want the big change, the glorious dreams of fireworks and stars. See that little ladder? It’s one step up. It’s the pathway to the stars.
- It’s both a huge thing and a tiny thing at the same time. Simple, focused, daily action is the big secret.
- It’s both simple and easy. It’s both the greatest challenge you’ll ever face and the simple action you’ll ever undertake. It’s a step in the direction of your new self.