How much does your past affect your future?

I’m thinking: not much.
It’s a new year. I don’t have this feeling every single year, but this year I do: it’s going to be transformative.
One way I know this is because I’m getting better at letting go of the past. Letting loose of the ties that hold me down, hold me back, keep me where I was–and maybe am.
What does the past have to do with the future? What does the past have to do with the present? Is the future wide open or shaped by our past and present.
I’m not sure if I need to consult the past (HINT: I don’t), but I’m heading into this future with guns a blazin’ and stopping for nothing with no ceiling and questions will be asked later.
What’s holding you back from heading upwards in 2019? Don’t tell me in the comments, hold it in for a moment and then let it go and let’s
