Just a handful of things on my calendar today.

I still have a To Do list a mile long, but priorities have shifted. I truly only have one thing on my calendar today.
This is an “update” post tracking progress from when I wrote the same thing … almost exactly a year ago.
I just checked and see that this post (Only One Thing on My Calendar Today) was posted on Dec. 17, 2014. I didn’t plan this, but my book launch is slated for two days from now: Dec. 17, 2015. On that day, I’ll have one thing on my calendar: the launch of The Key to Markree Castle.
Today I have one thing on my calendar: upload the latest version of my book to Amazon. Well, there are other things on my calendar, but it is so far out in the lead, it’s as if I have the whole race to myself.
2016 is looking so bright because there is no clutter. It’s shiny and clear and there’s not much distortion of the light. It’s my writing and whatever else comes along, but the writing is the main thing. Wow, that feels good to say.
Where’s your To Do list? How long is it? Is it a mile long? Do you care? How many things are really on it?