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I don’t want a normal, regular, average, expected, rational life.

I don’t want a normal, regular, average, expected, rational life.

The other day, in a moment of weird weakness, I wondered why I am doing what I do.

Here’s what I do not want them to say at my eulogy:

“Bradley Charbonneau has a nice, normal, regular, uneventful, logical, rational, expected, linear life.”

— What they didn’t say

Ugh, that would kill me.

Ha, just made a pun.

I hope they have lots of puns at my funeral–and lots of laughs.

I’m not sure why I’m talking about my eulogy here, no, wait, I take it back, I do know why.


As 2020 breaks open like a raincloud and thunders down into a fresh new year and decade, it becomes clear what I’m doing here.

I’m helping people get a few things into their lives. They might seem like lofty concepts but they’re quite simple if not always easy to attain.

  • Meaning
  • Happiness
  • Purpose
  • Joy
  • Lightness
  • Play

That’s enough for now.

That eulogy though? Maybe more like:

“What was he thinking!?”

[Speaker looks at her notes, crumples up the paper, takes off her glasses, looks into the audience and says what comes from her heart.]

“I don’t know where to start. But I know where I want to end up.”

“Yeah, so, right. Let’s see. Wow. Bradley Charbonneau…”

Alright, it’s getting a little awkward writing notes for my own eulogy but hey, it’s the new year, I’m still jetlagged and I’m out of my meditation and creating routine and feeling a bit out of whack.

My dream with Repossible is to help people obtain that playful joy and lightness in their lives.

I don’t know if that sums it up quite right but it’s what you’re getting out of my on January 9, 2020.

Playful joy.


I can work with those.

Here comes 2020.

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