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Oh, now I know what I’m missing! A goal, a deadline, a challenge. I have just the thing.

Oh, now I know what I’m missing! A goal, a deadline, a challenge. I have just the thing.

It’s almost the end of the year and my goal is to make goals for next year.

I’m pathetic when I don’t have deadlines, goals, or challenges. Well, pathetic is maybe a little harsh. But I’m flailing, floating, and, what’s another f-word? Flying.

Sure, I’m writing. But what am I writing? What’s next in the publishing hopper? I think I just figured out my goals for 2018. But I need dates, schedules, deadlines. When is what due? Where do I begin? What’s first up?

I already know. I just haven’t given it a date so it “doesn’t exist” in my mind.

Here we go. Today is Monday, December 11, 2017. I’m going to the 20 Books to 50k conference in London on February 3, 2018. That sounds like a good deadline. 2018 is going to be a year of fiction for me. Charlie Holiday is just plain antsy to get out of the starting gates and break into the world. I think it’s time to unleash him.

It’s either going to be some sort of prequel (a book that’s leading to the next books) or maybe some sort of backstory title, also short and leading to the main series. I would release the first one in the series, but I don’t know what it is. Yet. I’ve been writing like a madman, but I’m all over the place and need direction.

Need a deadline.

Now I have one.

Now I can get working on that.

What’s your plan for 2018?

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