Should you write if you don’t feel like it?

It’s just not the right time to write about what I want to write about.
Sounds like an excuse, doesn’t it?
I suppose it would be if I were into excuses. Or if I needed them. Or if I heeded to them. But here I am. Writing.
[mk_dropcaps style=”simple-style”]F[/mk_dropcaps]or two days, I’ve been wanting to write about something that is so exciting to me, something that makes me smile to the point that I can’t stop. But maybe that’s just it: it’s so good that I want to savor it, I want to write about it when I’m fresh, when I’m ready for it. Basically, in the morning.
Do you brush your teeth if you don’t feel like it?
It’s evening and I don’t have the right frame of mind. So, I suppose, I could say that I’m not going to write at all. But I can’t. Or rather, I won’t.
Can’t stop. Won’t stop.
When you’re in shape, you just need to put on the shoes. But that’s just it. Most people won’t get to the “putting on the shoes” part. They’ll hem and haw and convince themselves that it’s just not a good idea. I could make a list of reasons people won’t write (or jog or lose weight), but none of it matters if it’s a habit. Then you’re just going to do it. You’re not going to question it, debate it, whine about it or even talk about it. Well, you might do all of that. But then you’re going to do it.
So am I going to write tonight about what I’ve been writing about? No. I’m going to write about how I don’t need to write about what I want to write about because I know I’ll write about it in the next few days (over on Repossible).
But isn’t this just filler text? Am I not avoiding my task of writing by writing about … not writing? Is jogging (while you don’t want to jog) not jogging? Is missing 100 free throws worse practice than taking zero? Any action is practice. In fact, I’d venture to say that writing poorly is better practice that writing well.
Wait, did we say writing poorly? No way. I’m in too good of shape.
What do you get from practice?
What do you get from doing something every single day for more than 1,000 days in a row? Let me count:
- Courage
- Belief (in what you’re doing, in yourself)
- Learning from mistakes
- Momentum
- Motivation
- Confidence
Confidence to keep going. To practice more. To get better–and better. To go beyond the guy who just fell behind you in the race. Oh, is it a race? No. Because you’re just going forward without need to look around. Going because it’s all you know how to do now.
So am I going to write about what I wanted to write about tonight? No. But I’m going to write.
* Cool verb, heed: pay attention to; take notice of.